I have read a lot of bride wedding blogs. A lot. And I confess to having done so originally with my High WASP upturned nose firmly in the air. And truth be told I still have to yank that nose down hard. And real truth be told, sometimes I am weak and I surrender and I feel disdain. As I have said before, it is hard for High WASPs to put aside their disdain for the tacky, the cheesy, the overtly sentimental, the overly-coordinated, to say nothing of tawdry and unecessarily earnest color combinations.
But I would be letting the side down (sports term, derived I think primarily from cricket) if I left it there. Bride wedding blogs offer a glimpse into alternate cultures, personalities, and aesthetics in a world where most of us build social circles that reflect our own values. Reading bride blogs is like taking a shower in another country for the first time. You reevaluate a lot of things you had taken for granted.

5 Responses
That’s because The Universal is always deeply particular. Always. And the “universal” is of course nothing but mush.
I hadn’t thought about wedding blogs this way. It’s wise, I think.
So funny. I actually deleted a sentence which said just that. The particular is the universal. And by the end of this week I’m handing the wedding wisdom wand back to you, OK?
A lot of people keep referring to me as someone who brings “diversity” into the blogging world. It’s a funny thing, because mormons (specifically those who live in Utah) are absolutely the least diverse group of people I know. We band together very tightly, and sadly, we don’t let others outside of our “group” in very easily.
I try not to be like this, but it’s a huge part of my culture. Your comments, and the comments of others make me think that maybe I am succeeding at transcending those norms.
P.S.-You picked one of my favorite pictures from the wedding!
I thought that picture probably conveyed your personality. And for me, a High WASP old hippie corporate exec Democrat in Silicon Valley, yes, you count as diverse:). As I guess I would in your IRL circles…right?
I recently came accross your blog and have been reading along. I thought I would leave my first comment. I dont know what to say except that I have enjoyed reading. Nice blog. I will keep visiting this blog very often.