Spring, Or, Saturday Morning at 10:19am

We don’t have dramatic Springs here in Northern California. Since we haven’t been blanketed by snow, no, “Oh my god! A crocus!” moments for us. Here it just rains in the winter. Hills turn green. We warm up a bit, come spring, and everything grows furiously. Eventually, summer. When the sky and sun take over, burning most things once green to brown. Fall feels only like summer wears out. Finally it starts to rain again for the next winter.

In any case, although we’ve had lots of hints, I only knew for sure it was spring when I realized I’ve gotten used to closing a tree branch in the back door. My Chinese evergreen elm is on the move. We don’t always get to pick our harbingers.

*For an Oh My God A Crocus moment, visit Jan here.

19 Responses

  1. The Northern California climate would be perfect for me! Not too warm, not too cold…, I'm curious as to whether I will end up on the west coast one day! My only concern, the earth quakes.

    Have a great weekend!

  2. I'm so happy that Spring is here. I don't need to live in a snowy climate to appreciate the warmer days.

  3. LPC: Your seasons differ mine;) Given the opportunity, where would you really like to live? Would the climate play the greatest role, or would it be the people, their mentality!

  4. I think that even if it's not dramatic, we all will take whatever hints of spring we can get!

    happy weekend



  5. Spring has been playing peek-a-boo with us, but I think it's getting tired of the game and will out itself for good this coming week. No more cold spells. Have a wonderful weekend.

  6. I love it here too. I suppose I love both the climate and the mindset of the people. Californians are very open. That I appreciate. I hope I can send some Spring Qi to all:).

  7. North from you, just above the 49th parallel, we have a protracted unfolding of spring, such that the Rest of Canada, east of the Coastal Mountains, insists that we don't know the season. But I love the way spring begins with late-January flowering shrubs and then progresses through slow contagion, all the way through 'til June, sometimes overlapping with winter at the early end, with summer at the latter. Sounds as if you appreciate your local version equally — enjoy!

  8. Spring is bringing gentle rain, strong winds and sweet blooms in the Bungalow climate zone…hummingbirds, flickers, house sparrows hav been singing sweetly and the resident raccoons have been marauding in the garden. Love that it is lighter later into the evening…and I will be getting "dirty" in the garden soon after the fence crew finish!
    The elm looks very at home in your windowed room…do you grow any plants inside?

  9. What Beth said. Ditto. A Tree Grows in Northern California… The signs of spring differ everywhere. We've had winters with no snow and winters, such as this, with obscene amounts. Come the end of March, no matter what covers the ground, we have our crocuses, daffodils, forsythias and our fat, red-breasted robins. I love it!

  10. Spring?? Not here, altho I saw the first blooming daffodils today, so there is hope. Down into the 20's these past few nights…

  11. In Brisbane where I live we don't really get any dramatic season changes either, which is a shame because I'd love Spring and to watch my bulbs popping up. Meanwhile I am reading American Wife by Curtis Sittenfeld and she has lots of scenes set in Princeton, is that where you went? If yes please advise on the authenticity of said scenes. The book is allegedly based on the life of Laura Bush but I don't buy it for a second. There are tonnes of Waspy characters both high and low. Have a great week.

  12. What a sweet post – and photos.

    The birds are singing furiously here – it must be spring. The crocuses have come and gone, the daffodils are almost done, and the dogwoods are about to burst into blooms.

    It's spring, which always makes me stiffen up a little, just because I dread how short it will be here in the south, and how very soon, it will be too hot and humid to venture outdoors.

    But, I am enjoying the birds' songs while I drink my tea this morning.


  13. Here in NY the willow trees are pale green – the first of the trees to leaf out. Crocuses and snow drops are out, some daffodils are open, and the redbuds are in flower. The pear trees on Park Ave. are almost ready to bloom. Spring may be very short this year – although it's raining and 50 now we're expecting warm weather by the end of the week (high 70's), which may mean that the flowering trees will go through their blossoming all too rapidly.

  14. Look at you making fun of Jan!
    You know she had to go find that crocus for Photography Friday last week … the topic was flowers. She had a crocus … and I had the 100 bazillion ranunculus at The Flower Fields!
    : )