The Preppy Princess Furnishes A Classic Table

As the Princess herself would say, hello-hello!

While High WASPs may venture into fashionable territory when they shop for clothes, at home they are, well, at home. Which means a return to the classic, the striped, the navy blue. Along with navy’s dear friends, brick red, burnt yellow, and hunter green.

We particularly like cloth tablemats and napkins. We like their reusability and the way they treat the earth. We like their texture, their look, their feel. We like the way they muffle the clatter of plates on a wooden table.

The Preppy Princess, being one of the best, kindest, most responsible, most sincere examples of our ilk I have come to know, is providing Privilege[d] readers with the chance to win 4 mats and 4 napkins. Choose what suits your fancy.

I might go classic.

I might go beach.
Preppy Princess Beach Table Mats
Or, given the time of year, I might go Christmas, since that’s what we celebrate around here. Candy canes play a big role.

Requirements, again, are:

  1. Subscribe or confirm that you subscribe or follow.
  2. Comment here. A small story or incident involving table-setting is always appreciated.

Winner will be chosen Wednesday, November 17th.

30 Responses

  1. Lisa, I feel so civilized and gracious when setting a pretty table, even for Isabella and myself. I love to change out napkins and placemats according to whim or season! Wonderful offer…..

    Art by Karena

  2. I may eat on my writing desk, heck I will even admit to eating in front of my laptop, but I try to posh it with a table setting of paper kitchen towel as tablemat and real metal utensils while I eat my cereal and instant ramen.

    Even as a university student, I try to have standards.

    The Classic setting looks swell—and probably does a good job of hiding stains.

  3. I’m a follower!

    I love pretty table things. I have a few that I’ve inherited (like a lovely red vintage Liberty of London set) and a few that I’ve picked up at flea markets (faded, bleeding madras!, but I can always use a new set to fancy up our little home! Thanks for the great giveaway from one of my FAVORITES (The Preppy Princess, Herself!).

  4. How I maintained my sanity on those evenings alone with my children when my country doctor husband was out:
    Set a nice table for the children and me with placemats, cloth napkins, sliver and candles. Silver, after all, likes to be used and I was lucky enough to inherit settings for both daily and dinner party use. Turn on some terrific music and never, never, never eat standing up or out of a container.

  5. 1. I have always looooved subscribing to you, LPC.
    2. One of my favorite things about the holidays is helping my Grandmother wash and iron her three-generations old family Irish linens which go on the tables for Thanksgiving Dinner.

  6. What a sweet giveaway! I am a follower, through Google Reader, and I believe I show up on your members list though there are too many people to check through.

  7. Many, many years ago I thought I would use what I thought were some really elegant paper plates for dessert – for Christmas. When my late Mother saw what I planned to do she was so horrified that she said “You CANNOT use paper plates on Christmas” not entirely unkindly and I knew she was right – and as you can tell I still have the scars to prove it.

    Love the Princess and I am a loyal follower to you both.


  8. Oh – napery. I love napery. I have two smallish children and they are just at the stage of being taught to use napkins and proper cutlery. After years of the plastic ikea stuff it is wonderful. They get really excited to have “grown up” dinner.

    My favourites are your beachy, stripy mats.

    I really enjoy your blog. and have just added myself as a follower. The new design is lovely.

  9. When I was growing up, my mother never allowed a milk carton on the table, as it was “unsightly and simply unacceptable”. One Thanksgiving, my oldest brother took it as a challenge. When a family photo taken during the meal came back from being developed, he had somehow placed a milk carton on the corner of the table. While the rest of us thought it was hilarious, my mother simply tore the picture up!

  10. I’ve subscribed to your RSS Feed from quite early on.

    I got a new sewing machine this spring, and went on a binge of cloth-napkin making. Everyone I needed a gift for in the spring received napkins–my cousin’s fiance for her bridal shower, my mother and sister for their birthdays, and my mother-in-law for Mother’s Day. (No better way to convince her that you’re a member of the family than to throw yourself entirely into Mother’s Day. That holiday means everything to her.)

    So much classier than paper napkins, no? The trick is to convince the recipients to actually use them! If they stain, they stain. Impunity, right?

  11. Love the new look of the site, and I am long-time subscriber). My sisters and I each had jobs to do at dinnertime, and we would rotate tasks each week. My favorite was “first,” which meant setting and clearing the table. We were not as elegant as your family, so we used paper napkins, but I remember the pride I took as a small child in putting out the placemats, folding the napkins just so, and learning where to place the silverware.

    Lovely choices of placemats and napkins – thank you, Preppy Princess.

  12. Dear, I’ve been following you, well, forever. But you knew that. :)

    I’m sorry to say the only time I drag out place mats and napkins and napkin rings these days is when I’m photographing a dish to accompany a recipe on my blog. However, having said that, we do entertain every holiday season and I love, love, love the Christmas themed set. Oh, yes.

  13. Love the new site. At the heading, though, the type is so light in color it’s challenging to see all that is able to be displayed.
    Sorry, I had to say it.
    I’d love to receive the classic napkin and placemat set. I’ve set a formal table since the 70s!

  14. I look forward to finding your latest post in my RSS reader. It has been a treat following you.

    I love placemats and cloth napkins for everyday use. Tucked away in my linen closet are the holiday table linens. A holly green table cloth, topped with a red, green and gold plaid runner and matching napkins comes out for company. For just us during the season it’s the pleated red placemats and the red linen napkins with green piping.

  15. I have subscribed.
    I am a Mental Health Professional (where there is little health or professionalism, it seems sometimes)
    and to make things a little calmer and cozier I have a little basket with some china cups and old napkins from my grandmother in them. During the day, my co-worker and I have a much needed tea break on old Irish linen.

  16. I am a follower of LPC’s blog.
    Congratulations on your first giveaway.
    For a dinner for two I set the table with dishes
    with an allover design of blue and white clouds and
    napkins of blue and white waves. I did not buy the napkins at the same time. I have had these many years.

  17. In the 30 years I have kept my own house, I have never purchased paper towels or napkins. At first, I was too broke, then I did not like the feel of them, after that I realized the green of them and now I abhor them. We use cloth napkins at every meal.


  18. Hi Lisa…I’m have the tendency to veer off into a crazed version of the Artsy Cousin when it comes to setting our holiday table. Sometimes my experiments have worked out rather well and others, no so much! My husband makes jokes about the time I went a bit too far with pheasant feathers, but I’ll spare you that story…but I do adore old china, crystal glasses, and grandma’s silver. Lately I’ve been trying to use them more regulary. Why wait for a holiday or dinner party I say!

    I think I would choose the “beach” placemats and napkins. Thank you for such a lovely giveaway.


  19. I subscribe! Oh dear, I’m put on the spot to come up with a table setting story. Well, this week I found my adorable pup kept getting a hold of the table napkins we use in our settings. We could NOT figure out how he was getting them! A couple of days ago I left the dining room, and when I came back, the dog was nowhere to be found. Alas, he was ON THE DINING ROOM table– he had been hopping onto the chairs and then up on the tables and retrieving his prize– a pretty red linen napkin– daily. AHEM. We’re officially traumatized.

  20. I’ve been subscribed to your RSS for probably six months or more, and yours is always one of the blogs I read all the way through. Thank you!

    My favorite place setting memory is my grandmother’s casual serving set. The set features delicate illustrations of herbs and vegetables, raised ever so slightly, with gold rims. Casual, but sophisticated – one of my grandmother’s best assets, and one I hope and strive to emulate!

  21. Long time follower…initially because of the India experiences, then just because! I have an red and white checked table cloths. I love these and remind me of summer. I will set the table in the dead of winter with these and feel (momentarily) transported into a hot sunny afternoon.

  22. I’m a follower! Table settings have a fond place in my heart – setting the table was always “my job” when my parents had guests over. I still remember my mother showing me where the fork goes, how to fold a napkin, etc.

  23. 1. I follow through blogger….
    2. This Christmas is our first year in our new home…we are going to be hosting the Holiday meal for 20 people. I’m super nervous…I have everything laid out in the dining room and keep changing my mind on linens, which China to use, etc…I never thought setting a table would cause me so much anxiety!!! :) Wish me luck!

  24. I’ve been a regular reader for over a year. Love your perspective.

    Having recently developed a foursome to practice bridge, our group has decided to rotate hostessing duties. Generally, we enjoy a sweet little lunch before breaking out the decks. It would be so nice if I could use a lovely interesting set of table linens on the next occasion that I host. Also, I set a table at dinner just about everyday for my family of four. (Fingers crossed as I press submit.)

  25. I realized early this morning that I had misstated something in my table-setting story: the person who set the table was called “cook”; “first” had the job of clearing. Ah, how memory fades. (I assume that no one cares but me, but I had to set the record straight.)