Will Grownups Be Wearing Party Pants This Year?

When I was very young little girls still wore party pants. In those days the term meant ruffled underwear. We would don our dresses, often red, with sashes, smocking, white collars, and puffed sleeves piped in satin. Little Mary Janes on our feet. Nothing sparkled. But our underwear, ah, the underwear was ruffled and puffy. Heaven forbid the wind might blow up our skirts. Heaven forbid Chad or Mark or Greg might try to peek. The party pants protected us from vulnerable revelation.

Since we cast off the garments as teenagers, they did no real good.

These days, people go pantless on the subway. I am not appalled. Mores shift over time. Concepts of the human body, and personal privacy, are perhaps the most changed of today’s societal experiences.  But a girl might still want some party pants. Something to wear in case Brian, or Kevin, or Chris were watching. Something on purpose. Something shiny.

The Cut says that shiny pants are the party garb of next fall.

The Cut, Metallic Pants For Fall

I don’t know about metallics. Won’t know, in fact, until we’ve passed through another summer and face another autumn. Who knows whether metal will hold off the dogs of yet another winter? But I wouldn’t mind some new party pants. Not at all.

The Preppy Princess sent me a link to this jacket, at Gargyle. I of course then had to bounce around the site. Tell me you could resist. I found these. The orange shirt is dreadful.

Flowered Satin Pants from Gargyle

Flowered party pants, however, make a Sturdy Gal’s heart sing. Especially a V-shaped gal. We’re addicted to the cheery, we sturdy ones.

The Grande Dame would laugh. Silly Gal, these aren’t for parties, they are for lunches. Outdoor lunches, at that. The Artsy Cousin would wear them only borrowed from her sister, and paired with a contrasting tunic and embroidered slippers. And beads. Many beads.

But a Sturdy Gal would bring out her starched white shirt and Simple 70 Louboutins. And that every so practical Alexis Bittar set. She knows it’s plastic. Sometimes design trumps material.

Fall’s a long way off. Cheers to party pants, of all sorts.

The Cut

37 Responses

  1. Yummy!!I am, actually, mad for party pants. That said, I think they should be saved for a party. I’d like a pair and I’d like a party to wear them to.:-)

  2. I’m almost ashamed to admit I like the flowery party pants, but you’re right – that orange shirt is awful. I like what you’ve paired with them far more in your collage. That loose, white button-down shirt is far more my style.

  3. I actually wore party pants this past weekend to a fancy nighttime co-ed wedding shower. Mine are dark gray satin, with wide elastic at the ankle. I wore with a gray tank and flowy white cardigan and my edgiest nude criss-cross heels.

  4. I think we both need to buy a pair. Sadly, the likelihood of us encountering each other while wearing them is minimal, at best. :(

    Grins & Giggles Miss Privilege, may your week be splendid!

  5. that styling is perfect. i’m all for crazy printed pants to add some oomph to your classic wardrobe pieces! :)

    life is too short not to add some shiny silk pants/animal prints/color to your life!

  6. Um, not a fan of those floral pants. They could cross over into dowdy territory pretty quickly.

    Your mention of ruffly panties reminded me of the coordinating accessory, at least in my case: ruffly anklets.

  7. I have a red pair of party pants that I held onto…looks like they may be in style for next holiday season (maybe)!

  8. I prefer to keep the focal point of an outfit on the upper half of my body, but I like the idea in theory.

  9. Yes I remember the ruffled pants. And actually all through primary school (in NZ) we wore “Bloomers” for PE (school stuff was modelled on the Brits). Love the silver sparkly ones on the left. The outfit with the floral pants looks great, much more sophisticated than with the orange that fights it.

  10. I’m not big on the look in general, but I will admit that I own a pair of vintage metallic copper boot cut trousers…

  11. No party pants for me. They were given to Goodwill about the same time as my hot pink jumpsuit :)

  12. Party pants are fun, you definitely have to have the shape for it.

    …have you seen the horrid looking sequined shorts J.Crew is selling now? I cannot take anyone seriously if they wear those things out!

  13. Artsies are leery of flowers, preferring paisley or Chinese brocades. I have a pair of sateen pants with crysanthemums in indigo, pale blue and silver. They do not make me look thinner but who cares?

    Leather pants will be back, mark my words.

  14. That description of your youthful party ensembles has sent me straight into a Polly Flinders flashback.

    I don’t think the shiny sparkly party britches are for me. But I am hoping Duchesse is right about leather pants — and that they’re back next year so I can wear a pair to my 50th birthday party.

  15. Oh, no, do not like these at all. But I’m not a v-shape. More of an inverted v. I need a party blouse. With quiet pants. Not a teensy flower print. I’m with Nancy on florals verging into dowdy quite easily.

  16. Charming on someone else. Given my genetic and ethnic makeup, dowdy bordering on tragic. :)

  17. Belette – Now I wonder, what is the psychology of party pants?

    Jan – No shame is florals:)

    Genuine Lustre- That sounds gorgeous.

    TPP – Perhaps not in party pants. But some other gear:).

    Suburban – A true Grande Dame:).

  18. Deja – Fuchsia satin! Your mother was very creative. I think perhaps you’ve been hankering for those pants’ return? :). I certainly would.

    firstmilk – AWPP. To be adopted as a universal motto.

    miss sophie – Why thank you! And yes, some kind of party something should be in rotation.

    lauren – Aha! Now the motto has its backup political party. But of course.

    NancyDaQ – You are so right, Sturdy Gals’ greatest weakness is dowdiness. We can’t help it. And yes, of course, the ruffly anklets. Those, I think, little girls still wear. At least I hope so.

    Jen – Yes. I think so.

  19. hostess – A garden party would be adorable.

    DocP – Understood. It’s the v-shape thing in my case, balancing out some shoulders.

    Jody – Bloomers! I love the idea. Thanks.

    Someone – Aha! The truth will out:).

    Susan – You know what? I put foam insoles in my Louboutins. Yes. I do.

    That’s Not My Age – Grown up ruffle pants! Oh. My. Goodness:).

  20. Marie – Bwahahahaha. Jumpsuits. Oh dear. I remember them too.

    Worthy – All I could think when I saw the sequinned shorts was, aaargh. Itchy.

    Ms. Givens – :)

    Preppy 101 – Hehehe.

    Beth – Yes, you do rock the fun pants very well.

    Duchesse – You have a deep understanding of the Artsy. I am marking your words. I’ve always wanted a pair, but I fear the window has closed.

  21. Rubiatonta – I will applaud you. With fervor.

    rb – Well. Well then. Those are, in fact, quite fetching:). I can imagine they have many, many fans.

    Elizabeth – A woman after my own heart:).

    Sewing – Isn’t it a pleasure to know one’s own mind and shape?

    Marieanne – Oh. No. Let us find you something better next time.

  22. I bought a pair of black sequined trousers at Chico’s (of all places)…I call them my Liza pants. I adore them!