new year
sturdy gals don’t quite understand dreams
but they love to plan so I wish for you a year in which all well-made plans go as
brought to you by a few words without images
or even punctuation
ready set go
27 Responses
A most happy and exciting year to you, Lisa!
Oh I know some sturdy gals that still have dreams albeit with a bit more realism strewn into the mix. Happy New Year Lisa and hope we may here from Professor C from time to time as well.
Happy New Year, Lisa!
Happy New Year to you Lisa, Hope all your ‘sturdy’ dreams come true!
I would like (with your permission, of course!) to provide a visual (image) for your post: A large rambling STURDY house in Cabot Cove occupied by a mystery writer and BOT about town (pretend Evelyn Waugh had written about Bright OLD Things instead of YOUNG — they tend to be boring when looked at objectively #Fact). Dr. Seth Hazlitt (surprisingly well-hung!) drops by for a piece of pie ;-) and the BOT mystery writer welcomes him with open thighs! *giggles*
Happy New Year, my fellow gorgeous High WASP!
Bunny “Binky Palermo” Williams
Herewith my New Year greetings as taught at a young age how to finish my Christmas thank you letters….
Wishing you a Happy,Healthy and Prosperous New Year.
Perfect. Best of everything to you and yours.
Happy New Year Lisa.
Exactly. From one sturdy gal to another, may you make wonderful plans and have them all work out.
Being a sturdy girl myself, I appreciate everything you said. The best to you in the New Year, and happy planning. You hit the nail on the head–as a sturdy girl does–about loving to plan.
Perfect. Simply perfect.
Happy New Year, Lisa and Lisa’s readers! May we all have successfully implemented plans.
Happy New Year, Lisa!
Happy New Year! as it all starts up again. . . Whoopee, here goes!
Happy New Year Lisa! Wishing you all good things. xxx
I wish you a Very Happy New Year, filled with many new adventures! xoxo
Dear, dear Lisa,
It’s lovely to know you, to have become friends in this strange, strange medium. I hope your new year will be filled with joy and, if you can’t quite believe in dreams. . . how about wishes fulfilled?
Maybe next year we’ll meet in real time, wouldn’t that be fun?
Well you’ve had quite a streak of luck then, you non dreamer you.
Happiest of New Years.
May all your plans come true.
xo J
A very happy New Year to you, Lisa, and to your lovely family.
I’m more of a dreamer and doer than a planner and doer, but I think that having a few sturdy girl planning skills tucked into my New Year’s belt would be a great beginning to 2014, and hopefully carry me all the way through the new year in a more sturdy fashion…so thank you for that wonderful wish Lisa, I’ll keep checking back for tips.
All the best to you and your family, may the New Year be as blessed for you all as the past one was.
xo J~
Ah, but the pretty girl in the wedding dress has her dreams. How could she not? The year will dazzle for that girl. All the best in 2014.
Not a planner or a resolution girl. Afraid I wouldn’t keep them for more time than I took to think of it. Wishing you that’s best in the New Year!I always look forward to your writings.
… “well-made” plans …
I take these to be my keywords. How did you know?
Wishing everyone here, and you, Lisa, a great 2014.
Happy New Year to you too – I’m sure it will be with your lovely new hubby.
I’m not dreaming or resolving so far this year, I’m just acting. Somehow things are percolating to the top of my mind and I’m doing new things. I quite like it.
Love it, Lisa! Special cheers to you and yours for 2014!
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