3 Public Service Announcements From And For The Privilege Community

she is ready to fly!

I thought I’d round up a some interesting bits that have come my way from the community.

1. Mark Defrates Jewelry, the makers of that pentangle talisman, are offering a 15% discount for Privilege readers. No code to enter, just email Pam (markdefrates (at) mac.com) and let her know you have bought or will be buying, and she’ll apply the discount on the back end. I wear my pentangle every day now.

2. On February 2nd, Sylvia of 40+ Style is starting up a course called 21 Steps To A More Stylish You. It’s interactive online, and, although I have not done it myself, looks to be fun. Sylvia, (who I met once for coffee in San Francisco although she lives in Singapore,) is a lovely person. I’m guessing that $25.00 for 3 weeks of her thinking and interactive tools would be well worth the price.

3. After I posted a few semi-coherent thoughts on artists, a reader sent me a link to Valerie von Sobel’s opening at Voilà Gallery in Los Angeles. Valerie is 70, that’s her up top with wings. A little inspiration for a winter Thursday. The show will run February 7th-March 7th.


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15 Responses

  1. Lisa,
    Thank you for posting the photo and article about Valerie. She has been an inspiration to me for the past 10 years with her philanthropy, and it’s a joy to see her new career as an artist art shared with your community, a community I enjoy so much.

    1. My pleasure. I hope some readers take advantage. I wonder what talismans are waiting as yet unrealized.

  2. Valerie is such an inspiration!! Thank you for featuring her Lisa!! She is an amazing artist and woman!

    The Arts by Karena