The Boy Child Turns 25



My son turns 25 today. I feel far too much love and pride to express in one blog post.

Happy birthday honey. Much love, Mom.

43 Responses

  1. Happy Birthday to your handsome son! Wishing you and him much happiness in the coming year. My daughter turned 34 today – it’s her birthday, too! It’s hard to express all our love.

  2. Such a fine fellow.

    My oldest turned 30 this year and I’m like, “how did that happen?”

  3. My goodness, he’s a good-looking young man whose face seems to have somehow been shaped by kindness, if I’m not over-reading. The good looks seem marked by kindness and intelligence and even the beginnings of wisdom (’cause he’s only 25). Happy Birthday to your son, and Happy Birth-day to his momma.

  4. Happiest of birthdays to you both. He’s gorgeous and looks intelligent, kind, and very wise for a 25 year old.

  5. Happy Birthday to your Dear Son and to his Dear Mother.
    And he is, of course, well dressed.
    Best wishes!

  6. Happy birthday to your son, and congratulations to you! He looks like you, in the current photo in a suit and in the one up a little to the right. He looks calm, kind, and intelligent – and he’s so handsome!

    1. Oh thank you:). He looks like me in his little velvet overall? I love that photo.Or the Princeton one?

    2. @Marie, I see you in his face in two photos, the one in the velvet overall, when he was still blonde, and in the one at the center bottom, in the suit and blue tie.

    3. @Marie, Thank you. Isn’t it wonderful to see oneself in one’s children, whether physically, if they are biological children, or in how they have incorporated/challenged your beliefs over time?

  7. Happy, Happy Birthday, handsome Son, and Happy, Happy Birth Day to You, Lisa!! I wish you both a wonderful celebration! xo

  8. I have a 7 month old (my first) and since she’s been born I just start *bawling* at posts like this one. Not logical. But time never slows down again, does it? It’s never gone faster. Happy birthday to your son, Lisa!

    1. @Sarah, Time doesn’t slow down, but it doesn’t disappear, either. I find I live in layers now, with then and today coexisting just a little itty bit.

    1. @Duchesse, My vice is munching on babies. He was so NOMmable. Nowaways he’s too tall and slender for much squeezing. I find a good gchat session makes a good substitute:).