If You’re Playing With Style Assumptions, Rocksbox Is Your Friend


You may have noticed the recent proliferation of subscription services. Sign up, pay a fee, and monthly deliveries of goods ranging from beauty products to pet supplies arrive at your doorstep. I’m not wanting to add stuff impulsively these days, so have chosen to sit on the sidelines.

However, when Rocksbox, a service for monthly jewelry deliveries, got in touch, I had a thought. Why not use a service like this to explore style – to investigate new possibilities, or even understand my current assumptions? And I wondered if it might be fun for those of you working on new wardrobes – either for new body shapes or new life circumstances – to play with self-decoration.

So I signed up.

Here’s how it works. You pay $19/month to rent unlimited “sets” of jewelry. (Note: as this is a blogger PR program, Rocksbox gave me 3 free months.) A set comprises earrings, a necklace, and a bracelet. You don’t specify which set you receive, per se, rather you browse their selections and indicate preferences, then their stylists choose for you. Kind of fun, that.

You can buy any of the pieces at any time for 20% discount off retail, and every month you also earn virtual “Shine” spend against purchases. For example, I had a $10 credit for use in March. It has expired, but I’ll be given another one for April.


The logistics seem easy enough. Sign up, give a credit card, indicate preferences. Stylist chooses set, sends it. Once a package is in transit, you get cute chatty emails about how to track it. The box, inside a little mailing bag, arrives via USPS. Whenever you want to return the set, use the included USPS return label and put the package in your mailbox. Done. (If you lose the label, you can print a new one. Handy.)

And their followup marketing is also cute. Little prizes to win, sometimes at random in your box, sometimes on social media for Instagram posts and the like. If I were young, their emphasis on #ItGirls would make me nervous. At 58, as I said, I find it cute.

What sort of jewelry arrives? Well, I mixed my preferences up, favoriting some pieces similar to my own, and some completely different. The first set that show up was built around the Completely Different.


You may have noticed, I don’t wear statement necklaces. But I totally enjoyed playing with this. Gave me renewed appreciation for collarbones and their buddies.


I’d always avoided big necklaces because of my broad shoulders and long torso. Not necessary. Good, and liberating, to know.


The other pieces were similar to things I own, so less to learn, more “Oooh, pretty.” BTW, any close-up of my hand and wrist is always going to be in black and white because I do not think the Internet needs to see the full blue and white glories of my vein traceries. You are welcome.


If the Rocksbox idea appeals to you, use the code skyepealexoxo to receive your first month free (good for 30 days from today). I had originally thought that this project offered no monetary compensation for me, but that’s not quite true. Any time this code is used, I get $25 in Forever Spend towards Rocksbox jewelry. If enough of you participate, I will be using this to fund a giveaway for Privilege readers.

Truth be told, I already have more jewelry than I can wear. Confessions of a High WASP, Part Eleventy Billion. But I don’t yet know everything about style, so I’m looking forward to the next shipment.

And Here’s Pretty Much What I’m Wearing Besides Jewelry

By the way, the black top was a present from my sisters, for my 50th birthday. They took me to the Beverly Hills Hotel, and then shopping at Fred’s. I bought a pink cashmere sweater tricked out with a rhinestone Hello Kitty insignia, and this top. The top endures. I highly recommend black mesh or lace, to cover and uncover, strategically. The pink sweater? It served its purpose. Lessons come in many guises.


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27 Responses

  1. Hmm…not sure this would be my thing but I like it on you.
    I really must try harder to embrace new ideas!
    You are looking very svelte and I love your garden!
    Black and white photos are much more arty than colour ones…you are dabbling in that artsy cousin territory again:-))

    1. @Bungalow Hostess, Edging ever artsier:). And the necklace itself isn’t my thing, but the process of at least experimenting with new things (especially at such a low cost) is.

  2. Neat idea if you are trying to figure out what works or what you like, or just want to play without making too many expensive mistakes. I like a statement necklace on you, but only you know what works for that meeting of both the inner and the outer you.

    1. @Mardel, Very well put. I realized the necklace looked pretty good, aesthetically, but still felt like Not Me. Gave me an idea for other choices though.

  3. Hello,

    Well, after buying a house online, purchasing jewellery via the Internet seems like a walk on the web. But, somehow, perhaps as between us our jewellery would fit into a matchbox, this idea does not particularly appeal to us. However, full marks for the marketing and public relation activities of Rocksblox, they really do seem to be using the new technologies to full advantage.

    The necklace looks pretty on you. Serious enough to be dressed up and fun enough to be teamed with a more casual look. As you say, sometimes we all need to be shaken up a little in our ‘fashion, choices and this is certainly one way to do it!

  4. I have more jewelry than I ever wear but that doesn’t stop me from wanting to add nice costume pieces to my collection.
    I’ve also got broad shoulders and a long torso…I shouldn’t wear statement necklaces?
    Seems like a fun program.
    Great collar bones BTW :)

    1. @Jennifer, The collar bones thank you:). And see, I thought I shouldn’t wear statement necklaces, but it turns out that with the right neckline, they work. Who knew!?!?

  5. I’m another one who has more “stuff” than desire to wear them. Great idea for others, especially someone just starting to wear grownup jewelry. Or just wanting to play at a low cost. Garden is looking great. Oh, of course you are too!

    1. My garden and I thank you! I’ve sent back my first set and I’m excited for the next one – it’s like presents:).

  6. Sounds like fun and a much better and more manageable idea than a similar company I’ve seen other bloggers post about called, “Stitch Fix”… I think. Same idea, but with clothes. I can’t imagine getting a box of new clothes each month and having to decide what I keep and what I return…who needs that many new clothes? How would you ever get to wear them all??? And when would you wear the old stuff that you still treasure???
    Btw…you’re still the Queen of the boyfriend jeans!

    1. Why thank you! I believe then I should be requesting a tiara, no?:) And I wouldn’t want boxes of clothes. Too complicated. Jewelry is easy, fewer points of fit.

  7. Larger jewelry actually makes you look smaller. So if you feel your shoulders are broad, then a larger necklace makes them look smaller.

    The eye looks for proportions. A tiny necklace makes the body proportions look large in comparison.

    I have a relatively large head, so I wear a bit larger earrings – not huge, just larger.

    1. The large necklace might just do that for me. But I still feel weird, emphasizing a part of my body that already feels emphasized enough.

  8. Sounds like fun, especially if you are just starting out or if you like to add an unusual piece or two to your costume jewelry collection, which I do from time to time. I have learned to enjoy statement pieces and it gives me a break from wearing my good stuff. You look great in the statement necklace Lisa.
    Happy weekend.

  9. It’s fun to play with other styles; this is rather like dipping into a friend’s jewelry box. But honestly, Rocksbox quality looks insufficient after seeing you in your own marvelous pieces over the years.

    I’m all for buying one good item over many pieces of average. Most fine jewelry vendors have full return policies so buying online still allows for “try and see”.

    When possible, I like to buy from artisans whom I know. That way, if repairs are needed, they will tend to it.

    1. I would say that the quality, for the intent of the pieces, is actually quite good. The brands are well-known, Gorjana, etc. But it is very clearly costume jewelry, of a sort that is very popular among young women these days, and relies a lot on resins and glod-palting.. You are very right in noting that it’s not my style – I wear precious metal – and you’re very kind to call my stuff “marvelous:).” I appreciate it.

  10. You look great in the necklace, Lisa! I’m just too damned picky to trust anyone else to do it for me. Even when I get jewelry gifts, it’s only because I send email “hints” picturing exactly what I want! (I know, I know…shameless hussy!

    1. I’d be too picky for permanent ownership, but to play with for a week? I am enjoying it more than I suspected. That said, it’s clearly not for everyone and I bet you have great pieces.

  11. You can find the same statement necklaces at Walmart between $3 – $10. You’d be surprised what you can find at Walmart!