When Fuchsias Wander And Anemones Erupt

I like gardens for some of the same reasons I like middle-aged cities. Buildings and shrubs hunker down in place; although things change year to year and season to season, you can find your way around.

Just recently I moved my pot of fuchsias. Now if that isn’t one of the silliest English sentences ever written I don’t know what is. But, my fuchsias are different in their new place. I see them differently, they interact with the green background in new ways, I imagine even they are surprised.

The marigolds and alyssum trailed along, as younger kids will.


While this new spot felt very right, at the moment, I’ll most likely move them back. Right is fleeting. I recommend plant caddies with wheels. Infrastructure is to inspiration as blood flow is to love.

This year my Japanese anemones moved themselves. advancing front and center in the border, like teenagers crowding in front of a group of trick-or-treaters. You let them have the candy, because they want it so, but you think to yourself, “Someone ought to tell them to stand aside.”

Mars Bars, Jujubes, Peanut Butter Cups.

So pretty up close.


But quite tall and leggy. A little pock-marked.


Like teenagers.



They are perfect for one season. 2016 will be most happily remembered as The Year The Anemones Got Too Big For Their Britches.


Besides, at 5pm, 3 times/week, my California summer sprinklers come on. Joni Mitchell titled an entire album “The Hissing Of Summer Lawns.” They say “sssssssssssssssss.”


Were this a piece of art, hung for purchase, I’d scoff at easy sentiment. But as a five minute piece of back yard theater, I inhaled sharply and then ran forward, crying out, “Oh! Oh!”


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29 Responses

  1. May the teenager in you stand forward any ole time you choose, especially today! Happy Birthday! I always remember the date ’cause it’s my parents’ anniversary as well. Cheers to you all! Much love…

  2. Love those pretty anemones especially beautiful when paired with the flax plant.
    I could use those wheeled plant gadgets….we have to roll ours around on their pot bases when we change up the pots!
    A sprinkler system is something that we could also benefit from…we are still hauling hoses and different sprinklers all around our humble bungalow garden…and it can be a chore.
    Enjoy your weekend!

  3. Flo said today is your birthday – Happy Birthday! And you gave *us* a gift, even though this is *your* day.

  4. Happy Birthday Lisa ~ my garden is giving me a lot of aggravation at the moment.
    it’s a teenager, rebelling. It’s been so hot, stuff has burned, etc. Hydrangeas have just now started to bloom – everything is out of whack.

    Ripped out summer vegetables, but it’s too hot to plant for fall/winter still.

    Can’t wait for my garden to leave for college! Yours however, looks great!

    1. @Kathy, Kathy you must have pulled those summer vegetables from the ground and put them straight on the stove – that is one gorgeous pureed soup you posted on IG!

  5. Gorgeous. Happy Birthday!
    Those plant caddies are the greatest. We have many, in various sizes and colors. The black ones are great indoors under glazed decorative pots.

  6. Happy big six-oh birthday!!! Wish I was that young again :).

    Question: Do you keep the plants on their plant caddies or only use them for moving around? I think I need some as I am no longer allowed to left heavy objects.

  7. I love Japanese Anemones, we have lots and they self seed and look better every year. We used to have a huge fuchsia bush at home when I was growing up, right outside the front door, it stood at least 6 feet tall, small red flowers, but my favourite pastime was popping the unopened flowers, I could spend hours just standing there popping them!

  8. Your garden is beautiful and I am struck by the fact that, try as we may, we cannot dictate to garden plants what they do or where they choose to be.

  9. Oh happy post! My garden sighs and wishes for another year. Brutal heat and drought have taken their toll. But that is the nice thing about gardens. Winter will come, next year will be something new.

  10. Always thought Joni Mitchell had the best album title in that one, so evocative of summer twilight, plus I love her voice.
    Happiest of birthdays, and many happy returns. Jules

  11. What a beautiful setting to welcome your new year!…Let Joni sing loud and long…You have a CELEBRATION to enjoy…