I Kinda Had To, Right?

Along with the new skirt, my birthday loot included a couple of pretty shirts that unfortunately didn’t fit. So I returned them to Nordstrom and came home with this in their stead.

I kind of had to, right? Butterflies, on a cotton/silk blend that is my favorite kind of fabric almost in the whole world. I didn’t think the colors would work, but the lepidoptera is more brown than orange and I squeaked in under my personal yellow-hues percentage. With brown Dickers and an Étoile Isabel Marant jacket? Oh yeah.

And I haven’t actually even had my birthday. Nice work family, thank you very much.

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25 Responses

  1. I love it, and I am also a huge fan of that fabric. So light to wear in that California heat too. Your family has done well! And HAPPY BIRTHDAY! xox

    1. @DaniBP, Thank you! Of course my actual birthday is September 30th but I’m taking any and all well wishes! And I am happy to find another silk/cotton fan:).

  2. That is lovely.

    (if you hang the shirt next to the milkweed, can you grow another shirt by next summer?)

    1. @JB, They are just so beautiful. I’ve loved them since I was a little girl, and we visited my father’s family’s house in New Jersey where the tiger swallowtails were everywhere.