How To Look Thin When You Are 63, Or, Saturday Morning at 8:51am

Let me first say that nobody has any obligation whatsoever to look thin. If you have landed here for the first time, let me also say that the title of this post is semi-ironic. (As my father might say, I’m using a loose construction for the term, irony.)

Sandra Salin however, did ask me a few weeks ago, “Could you write about how you stay so slim, please?” Kelly then speculated that I’d beaten middle-age middle-bulge. So here goes.

Oh, wait, first, here’s an unvarnished photo that I took this week, in the mirror at the tailor.

With that in mind, here goes for real.

  1. Get a mirror that narrows you, like the ones here.
  2. Wear tops that float away from your midriff. Do not wear black low-cut yoga pants and a light-weight white top, see above. If you have a short waist, probably you’ll want a loose tunic over tighter pants or leggings; if a long waist, I highly recommend loose cropped tops over high-waisted jeans.
  3. Stand sideways and twist your body.

But wait, you say, I’m being disingenuous? We want to talk about actual slenderality, not the illusion?


  1. Get born into a family that doesn’t flesh out, natively.
  2. Get born to a mother who dedicates much of her life to making sure you eat so many vegetables and not so much fat and sugar.
  3. Get born to a family who lives in a place where this kind of eating is both accessible and part of the culture.

But wait, you say, these things are history and regret serves no one.


All I can say is that I try to move around. I aim for five times/week, either a 45-minute walk, or a swim if it’s hot, or yoga, or strenuous cleaning of the house or yanking weeds out of the garden. And I keep trying to step it up, as my Achilles tendon heals. I know I should do more.

That’s not all I can say. Food and drink, drink and food.

Plainly and simply I work at it. I have narrowed my drinking down to 1-2 glasses of wine three nights/week. To be honest, way more often 2 than 1. I eat the same breakfast every day, La Brea Whole Grain bread with almond butter and a little chocolate hazelnut butter and Five Mountains Organic Puerh Tea with milk. My favorite lunches are large, an entire meal of roast chicken and sauteed spinach and brown rice, for example, left over from a previous dinner. Or a ginormous Chipotle chicken burrito. I snack on almonds, apples, sometimes a sourdough baguette dipped in olive oil. I don’t eat a lot of dinner unless I’m out, as I’m happy with a small bit of lean protein (tofu, chicken, fish) and as many vegetables as I can be bothered to shop for and prepare. My husband will eat more, and eats red meat, but we’ve worked out a system of dual dinners.

I have a couple of squares of dark chocolate along with a couple of squares of milk chocolate for sweet. Usually after lunch but sometimes twice a day. I never ever bake desserts.

I try to focus on what I am eating, rather than on what I am not. I ask myself, did I get all my vegetables and healthy fats and proteins and whole grains, rather than how many teaspoons of sugar did I not consume?

And I suppose, in the end, the term plainly and simply is disingenuous too. Because I’ve been paying attention to what I eat since I was 19. At first, as I’ve said before, in an eating disordered way. But by the time I turned 23 eating well and managing my weight reasonably sanely had become a life project.

Most of the time it’s not too hard, enjoyable even. I use the scale to make sure I am within range, every couple of days. And every decade I let the range move up. When I was 19 and disordered I weighed 117.5 pounds, at 5′ 5 3/4″. At 63 I aim for 125-127 and I’m a little shorter. You know how that goes. But I don’t think about my weight during the day, only about eating well.

The process did get more difficult when my cholesterol levels rose dangerously, a couple of years ago, and I chose to hone my diet further rather than take statins. I don’t miss red meat very much, I do miss cheese and butter, a lot. Sometimes right around 3:30pm when it’s a no-alcohol day, when I’m at the top of my weight range, it takes a lot of focus to stay on this path, even a gritting of the teeth. Time for a cup of soup, some herbal tea, or an early dinner.

I make a lot of beans in my Instant Pot.

And there you have it. I wish I could be more helpful to anyone who struggles. All I can say is that I probably fail at things you find quite easy. I manage my weight, but I don’t knit, play golf, or do crossword puzzles. We’ve all got a tricky thing that rewards us for our efforts, this is mine.

I have talked about this before, here, and here if any of you are still reading along and haven’t thrown your screen aside in search of more entertaining pursuits.

I hope you have a wonderful weekend, in your body, which I hope feels like a gift.

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46 Responses

  1. I have much the same family background. Family meals were focused on salads, vegetables and protein: no desserts, no sodas, and only an occasional trip to a really good bakery for a treat. As I’ve gotten older (age 68) more exercise is needed and more attention to quantity, but I’ve never been overweight, although I have to say the weight wasn’t in the same place it used to be!

    I now face another problem. In early October I went into septic shock and spent a week in the hospital. Food now tastes strange and I’ve lost almost 10% of my weight. It appears that gaining it back will be difficult since I have no appetite. I now appreciate the issues faced by my only friend who has always had trouble keeping her weight up — and I thought she was lucky!

    1. @Lynn, Ah what a switch up! And I am so glad you have recovered, septic shock is so much. Will your appetite recover, do they think? And I believe that keeping weight on can become a problem for people as they age, which is one of the reasons I let mine creep up bit by bit.

    2. @Lynn, Lynn, what about marijuana. I suffer from migraine-induced nausea and pot has worked better than anything given to me by my MD.

  2. Alas, I inherited the “Wait wait wait famine is around the corner we must be ready” genes, so my weight is a daily struggle, but then I remind myself that if having too much to eat is the biggest problem in my life (and it pretty much is), then I am extraordinarily lucky.

  3. Fascinating post! When I did my genetic testing (one of the zillions of times), I discovered that I have a gene related to “hanging onto weight” (they said it more scientifically). Like that should shock me coming from Italian and Puerto Rican stock? I was stupidly upset by this – esp in light of the fact that I’d been me for 45 years at that point and I thought I knew more than a freakin’ blood test.

    I have a work bestie who loves doing all the genetic testing with me. He’s a bit older than me, exceedingly fit (cyles an hour every day), does intermittent fasting etc. I was so pissed off to find out he doesn’t have my genetic propensity AND he’s one of those peeps who could have been an Olympic athlete. Whatevs, he’s got other things going on. Truly.

    My mother, who is 71, grew up with a mother who was tremendously gorgeous and vain and slim but with fabulous boobs. She also neglected her children but that’s another story. Point is, my mum has been extremely careful re: eating for her entire life. Her discipline is disturbing. We might call her over-careful. My sister has an eating disorder. My point is that, I know what it is to want to be perfectly slim, as I interpret it.

    I also know what it is to be so sickened by my lifestyle and other genetic predisposition that I could barely eat for 2 years. Oh, I got gorgeous. But I was SO horribly miserable.

    Now I feel I’ve returned to some sort of equilibrium, even if peeps still say I’m “slim”. (I mean, by modern, urban standards, I suppose I am but, sure as hell, not by California twenty-something standards). I am eating without throwing up (from intractable nausea). I eat fat. I love sugar and I avoid it as best I can but it’s a life struggle. I will not be giving up wine. Ever. I’m making lots of changes to be healthier which, oddly, include doing less yoga and eating what I feel like. I work effortfully to understand moderation, the thing I do worst.

    Sometimes it’s challenging not to envy those we see as effortlessly X (the thing we want but do not come by as naturally as we would like). By many standards I am thin and have an attractive body, esp. given that I’m minutes away from 50. By my own standards I am always behind the 8 ball. But at this point, having been thin at times in my life, for the wrong reasons, and just fine, for the right reasons, I’m going to have to play my hand as I must.

    One thing no one can take from me is style. That I’ve got in spades. Oh, and I knit really well.

    PS: You do look fab!

    1. @K-Line, I am so tempted to do genetic testing but worry about the security of my data!

      Thank you – and, no one should EVER even try to take your style away, or your true instincts about how you play your hand.

    2. @K-Line, You should be worried about your data. I’m just more compelled to know than I am to worry about my data. But my husband (a tech person) is totally not down with it.

  4. Ah… the constant battle, or the constant vigilence, of keeping one’s weight reasonable. I come from a family of long-skinny-legged people. Which sounds good unless it is combined with a short waist, wide-shoulders, and a tendency to carry weight around the middle. Which it is. like you I work at it, most of the time. I exercise six days a week, try for 300 minutes of cardio a week and at least one weight work-out. We try to eat more vegetables than anything else. Most of the time. But I do have periods of slippage when too many glasses of wine a week, and too large portions of bread, potatoes, and anything starchy make me put on a few pounds. Then I pay attention again. But I am who I am based on who gave birth to me (a mother of the exact same body type) who was an amazing cook. Cakes and doughnuts being her speciality. Oh… homemade doughnuts are nirvana to me. But I never give up. Despite having inexorably moved, over the decades, from 125 in my twenties, to 135 in my thirties, and now 145 in my sixties.. give or take a couple of pounds. As my hubby (former physical education teacher, athlete, and hockey coach) says… you can only work within your body type. I guess we all must be content with that and muddle along as best we can. Anything else is craziness, I say.

    1. @Sue Burpee, Wise husband. We are all working with our body types, and trying to treat ourselves well. I don’t think of it as a constant battle any more, but as you say, a state of vigilance with limits up and down, and, the occasional skirmish with a little pain and suffering.

      I need to up my cardio. Slow but steady, that’s what I’m telling myself, otherwise I will just get mad and annoyed. At myself, if that wasn’t clear;).

  5. During a medical recovery period (hip replacements) I was terrified of gaining weight so I made sure my portions were small, eating everything served to me in the rehab center but just not ALL of what arrived on my plate. I was 59, lost 10+ lbs & looked great when I returned to work. Fast forward 18 months & (I live in NYC) job stress has led me to the WHOLE donut, slice, margarita. Welcome back 9 lbs but to me, it’s really no big deal. Right now my clothes are snug-er but to loosen them up again I know to corral the comfort foods & EAT/DRINK LESS. There really isn’t a mystery to remaining slim or, to returning to a healthy weight, whatever it may be. Ingest fewer calories than you burn. And be aware & honest with yourself about how much you truly DO eat & drink.

  6. Well, I struggle. Happily I come from people who didn’t fry anything. Unfortunately I don’t have a sweet tooth, they’re all sweet. Sigh.

    Happy and virtuous weekend to you.

    1. @MaryAnne, Sweet is so compelling.

      And truly, I don’t think of it as virtue. Virtue is a much higher order and one of the things I struggle with. This is just living with discipline around food, which is different.

  7. I am thin like you but sometimes it comes at a high price. The obsessive thought that my weight is rising. The disordered relationship with the scale. At this point I eat very healthy which means a plant based diet, minimal sugar, healthy dairy (I hope that’s not an oxymoron). Carbs are delicious but minimized.
    I exercise as much as my back tolerates. It seems a life-long process rather than a defined goal.

    1. @luci, It’s absolutely a lifelong process, and I think it’s all about knowing if, for you, the cost is worth the benefit. I don’t think of my relationship with the scale as disordered these days, it’s more like a call to a friend to see if I was talking to much the other day or not. An insight into something I don’t have the tools for myself;).

      It was totally disordered when I was young. I guess now I just trust I will be able to make it work well enough? And then it felt out of my control?

  8. Thank you for answering my question. Well, I think I’m out of luck. I come from peasant Russian stock that wants you to eat well. Problem is that I really enjoy food. But now at the age of 78 some medical issues are peaking out and saying cool it! It’s not that I’m fat but I need to cool it on carbohydrates and lose some weight. So that doctor has me meeting with a nutritionist. I’m now using my iWatch to keep track of exercise and also Loseit to keep track of what I eat. I’ve started losing that weight and also roasting veggies. I know if I get too thin my face will look haggard. So I’ll see the nutritionist, I’m enjoying exercising, I actually like keeping track of what I eat on my iPhone. It’s become a game. So I will never have that “Privilege” look. It’s not in my genes. But I can modify my eating and be healthier. Love reading this post. Thank you again.

    1. @sandra Sallin – Apart From My Art, Thank you for asking. I really wanted to show you the photo from the tailor, belly, non-slimming mirror and all, so you know I’m not actually slender, just kind of not fat and kind of muscular, if that makes sense. I am glad you are enjoying exercise, that’s my weak spot and I like to feel that others are in the arena too.

  9. I am part of a family where no one (in the generations above me and few in my own) is slim. Among them, I am one of the slimmest and even so, I am 30 pounds overweight. At age 24, when I got married, I weighed 117 pounds and was 5’8″. Now I am around 5’7″ or a bit under and many more pounds. Recently, my almost same age husband (ages 68 and 67) and I have decided that we can be very happy splitting plates when we eat out. I always worry that the restaurants will think we are cheapskates when actually, we are eating an amount that is comfortable for us. I am confident that I am going to persevere over my weight issues and come out on the other side. At age 67, I have lost energy and wonder how much of it is due to extra pounds. For breakfast, I eat oatmeal with blueberries. My best lunch is a salad with veggies and a bit of avocado and olive oil/vinegar for dressing. All of this is a significant challenge for me. And yes, I put alcohol into the calculations and consider it to be empty (but enjoyable ) calories. Thank you for this post!

    1. @Susan D., You are so welcome, thank you for tolerating it, it’s kind of embarrassing to write about. I wonder, have you ever thought of having larger lunches and smaller dinners? I don’t do the intermittent fasting process, technically, but I do try to go 12 hours at least between dinner and breakfast, sometimes 14 hours, and I find it quite comfortable. Less hunger during the day. Of course, everyone is different.

      I too am confident you will figure out what you want to do and how to do it.

  10. Yes and as one poster above stated—we may be constrained by our body types. I am a classic pear or even an hour glass shape. Even at 117 pounds when I was 24, I could never be a size 4, or 6. Size 8 was the very smallest size that would ever have fit over my skeleton. Recognizing that, I am not too hard on myself and not very vain. The upshot is always shock when I see photos of myself and a reluctance to let myself be photographed.

  11. Your approach sounds much like what I usually say when people ask me how I stay so slim. The most important thing, I tell them, is to choose their parents wisely. But the truth is that I do also work at it. I am fortunate in that I feel full when I’ve eaten a reasonable amount, which usually means that I stop. (But not if the food or wine is really wonderful.) I try to follow Michael Pollan’s advice: “Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.“ I exercise. If I get to the top of a 5-pound range I try to eat a little less or exercise a little more. I have to fight a sweet tooth, which I do by asking myself sternly if I really, really want whatever it is that is tempting me – and if the answer is yes, I eat it (although sometimes maybe I’ll have only a few spoonfuls rather than a giant dish of something). So I’m pretty good, but I know that I’m also lucky.

    1. @MJ, Yes this is how it is for me too. Now that you mention it, I think what’s been useful is having the internal stern voice also be kind and not so judgmental as it was when I was young.

    THAT SANDRA…………..she ASKS THE QUESTIONS everyone wants to know!!!!!
    TONIGHT a painting of hers OPENS at MOCA in Los Angeles!
    SHE IS OUR STAR!!!!!!!!
    Well, you eat MORE than I would have thought!
    I was once 5’11’ and 124 pounds………….
    I think Iam now 5’10’ little LESS actually and 145 now.Happy with this as I was MUCH BIGGER BEFORE!
    But Iam eating very little due to diet restrictions which include ZERO wine!NO GLUTEN, NO DIARY no YEAST!!!!!!!
    I wish this DIET on NO ONE!
    Lets hope it ends soon so I can JOIN THE LIVING!!!!!!!!!

  13. I think the other secret may be to get a mirror/camera angle that makes you look taller! I truly thought you were taller than me, but we are the same height. I’m looking to slim down just a little more, weekends and wine being my downfall. Thank you so much for your candid posts.

    1. @Susan, You are very welcome. And thanks for pointing out the importance of the camera angle too. I have to hold my phone low, or else I look like Big Head, and that probably does make me seem taller than I am.

  14. This is a wonderful blog post, Lisa. Thank you for it. I love your honesty. Your routine inspires me. I’m a naturally active, slim person in a family of people not naturally slim, but not fat, and also very healthy. I think my slimness came from my inclination toward a healthful diet combined with my high activity level. As you know, I went through a traumatic period and gained 100 pounds in a short period of time by eating, drinking, not moving. In retrospect, the worst part of that was the not knowing if I would stop gaining, and if I would ever lose the weight. Slowly and steadily, I did lose the weight, despite more stressors, the most significant being the 2017/2018 three concussions and car accident whiplash that challenged me because eating right, which I love and am good at, got confused by my confused brain (suddenly vegetables and salads seemed sickening). My good diet has to be accompanied by cardio for me to maintain a slim middle, and to regulate my mood. At 18 I ate heartily the good diet my mom prepared, and at 5’4″, my height since I was 10, and holding steady, weighed a slender 105, and had a 24″ waist, neither of which I thought about. In my thirties my body settled into 120 and stayed there until the rape and its aftermath caused understandable fluctuations. The car accident years, and some health scares (all good presently), have delayed my returning to my exercise regimen. My current weight is 128, and I’m proud of returning to that lower weight, though my face preferred 140:). The last twelve pounds came off in the last year. I don’t drink alcohol at all at home, I realized I don’t enjoy it. My only drinks are a cocktail or sparkling wine here and there out, which I very much enjoy. I eat a diet of salads, vegetables, fatty fish (salmon, sardines, mackerel, anchovies), nuts, beans, whole wheat tortillas, some cream, yogurt, and cheese, and olive oil. I crave these foods, have my main meal at lunch, eat a small dinner or no dinner. I make big pots of black beans on the stove seasoned with tumeric and cayenne and black pepper. I make meals with black beans as the base. Sauteed spinach with garlic is one of my favorite foods. My daily breakfast is coffee with cream (full-on, organic), blueberries with walnuts and almonds, and a full-fat plain St. Benoit yogurt. I always have a box of Guittard 70% baking chocolate in my refrigerator. I cut off a section for a snack. If I’m really hungry, an extra plain yogurt with honey drizzled over it satisfies me. Your photo at the tailor made me smile in recognition because I also currently have that little belly, which I took a photo of in an Oakland window last Friday a la Frances’ series. I’m wearing a cashmere turtleneck tucked into low-waisted jeans, and you can see a belly protruding. Cardio will make that disappear. You’ve inspired me to get moving, which I’ve been intending to do for the last few days, post time away, post everything. I do understand about your Achilles tendon, and hope the swimming helps you work around that. Thank you for the inspiration. I’m healthy, and I do feel my body is a gift that has stood by me as I struggled to give it what it needs to thrive. xo.

    1. @Katherine C. James, I am very happy to hear that all is well right now. Your diet is something for me to aspire to – I have yet to manage mackerel or sardines. I hope you’ve been able to get moving these last few days, and your body has come through so much, I am glad it’s finally safe and thriving again.

  15. Thank you for your honesty, Lisa. My routine and approach mirrors yours in many ways so it’s reassuring to know that I’m on the right track and that it’s a lifestyle that can be maintained into retirement. Once things become habit and routine, it’s difficult to shake them. Fortunately, this is true for healthy habits as well as the not so good for you choices!

    1. @Sydney Shop Girl, A very good point. Once you approach eating this way it becomes a habit that’s more uncomfortable to break than difficult to maintain. I am sure you will keep it in place through the decades.

  16. This is a very useful post. I admire your (fierce?) commitment to maintaining a healthy body – your exceptionally healthy mind is not in doubt! (mens sano etc)

    My diet mantra has always been ELMO (Eat Less Move More) – but you have to do both, especially as one gets older and one’s metabolism slows down. And since the activities I like best (reading, writing, staring into space while thinking about reading and writing) are so sedentary, I either have to consciously schedule “moving more” into my day (such as a regular Pilates class) or think of it as a treat (“I’ve done my chores, now I get to take a walk!”). My current trick is to take a typed copy of a poem along with me, and try to memorize it as I walk – a sonnet a week is about my speed, and I now have all sorts of lovely phrases through which to express my fairly mundane thoughts.

    At the moment, since “summer’s lease hath all too short a date,” and it is pouring outside, I may have to content myself with a series of lunges and kicks in the kitchen. Not much poetry there, but at least the muscles are working!

    1. @Victoire, ELMO!

      I love that. I hear it in the squeaky voice of course.

      And I have been known to do lunges and squats as I brush my teeth. Scissor kicks on the sofa. I mean, when you have a minute, why not?!?!

  17. My body used to work; it did what I wanted it to, physically, and would ask for what it needed to accomplish that (to the point of craving spinach!). I had a high metabolism, but my hunger would keep pace with it, so I just had to… cook what I wanted and then eat it, and behold, stable weight no matter what was going on (barring bronchitis or sufficiently weird life crisis that the food my body wanted just wasn’t necessarily available). It was a ridiculously enviable state of affairs, all around!

    And then I got sick and the hunger mechanism ground to a halt, broke, and was replaced by nausea. And now basically nothing works quite right; my brain is foggy, my body is out of whack, I can’t do the normal life things I want to, pain signals are no longer especially informative, and my lower GI system swiftly and painfully expels many of my favorite foods if I have the temerity to eat them (including those dearly-loved leafy greens).

    But hey, I’m still fairly skinny and some people envy that. I do recognize that as a skinny person I get better medical care than I would if I had spare weight; my concerns are taken more seriously, and weight isn’t blamed for symptoms. But mostly I’d like to be in a Good Working Relationship with my body again, instead of in this weird space where signals can’t just be followed (“move more!” “rest more!” “eat spinach!” “sleep now!” – following those signals used to fix thing!) but have to be filtered/reinterpreted and fought against, in some cases. And where my body simply won’t do a lot of the things I want it to. Maybe someday.

    1. @KC, I hope your health is fully restored soon. Or at least back to the good working relationship you had before. It is really hard to lose capacities that used to be so strong that they became an essential part of your functioning strategies. You don’t lose just that thing, you lose the stuff you used to be able to do because you didn’t have to worry about that thing.

      If that makes any sense at all:).

    1. @Karen H., You’re welcome!

      I found I was uncomfortable with people’s kind comments, knowing that in certain lights and certain outfits I did not look at all as they imagined:).

      Better just to get it all on the table. And then dress back up in some great high-waisted jeans;).

  18. I think we each just need to do and be what is comfortable for us to be. I currently am about 20 pounds overweight, and I need to lose at least some of it simply because I have more energy when I am slightly smaller. At the same time, I refuse to beat myself up about it. I just want to be healthy enough to do what I need and want to do.

    That said, when I was in my 20s I weighed between 115 and 120 pounds consistently, lets just say 117, and I was 5’9. I never dieted and was not athletic, but thinness does not necessarily signify health. I learned later that I had a malabsorption syndrome (celiac) and had a hole in my heart, which meant that my heart worked extra hard just to keep me running around. When both of those things were addressed, I suddenly gained weight. And since I never needed to learn to watch what I ate previously, it was a bit of a shock. But I even though in my head I will always be that skinny, starving girl, I am also grateful that I am no longer starving, and happy that I have this resilitant body that has seen me through so much.

    Thank you for sharing this post mostly because it is so easy to assume that our struggles are unique, and that there is a magic pill, that someone else has an easier time, when really, we all just try to make the best choices we can, and since we are all different those choices also yield different results. You manage to write about what works for you and what is difficult, without preaching or teaching, with a kind of transparence that reads as if we are all just sitting down for a friendly cup of tea.

    1. @Mardel, Your first paragraph! Yes! Exactly! I hope it you didn’t experience too much distress with your diagnosis and treatment, I can imagine that could have been a shock. And you are very welcome. I am happy to have you sitting here with some tea. I hope you like pu’erh, although I think I have some Oolong now too:).

  19. Last year I found I couldn’t eat anything with gluten in it unless I wanted to embrace incontinence (oddly, didn’t appeal). Then I had to cut out dairy so I could get my cholesterol down. Sigh. But, to my surprise, I found I really didn’t mind. Yes, cutting out cheese was a bit of a bugger but I let myself have some dairy fats at Christmas and it was fine, back on the regime. It was worth it. Now I prefer this way of eating, especially as I had to totally kick dairy for a couple of months this autumn – temporary lack of tolerance, it seems. Legumes are my friends. As are oatcakes, oats, nuts and seeds, fish, eggs, fruit and veg. No idea what I weigh. But my clothes fit so all appears well. I used to worry endlessly about my size and shape and now I couldn’t care less since health issues are so much more important. Wish I’d known that years ago.

  20. Sorry I missed this post. You look great even in the photo where you think you don’t. I’ve always had to really watch my weight, but was able to lose it and fast as I gained it – so was able to keep it in check. Not the case anymore. So much harder to lose. I’m on a mission beginning Monday to drop 10-15 lbs. I do exercise for all the health benefits, but have never found it affects my weight all that much. But onward, and incredibly grateful for my health, and determined to lose the extra weight that has creeped on.

  21. Dear Lisa, a few questions:

    1. How can you eat more than I do and look that good? I swear, I eat much less, exercise 3-4 times a week, and still need to be mindful.

    2. How do you manage the dual dinners? Please share, my partner eats like a hog (with a great body).

    3. How can you take milk with pu-erh tea?