May Is The Month Of Roses, Or, Saturday Morning at 8:32am

I do not remember exactly when I planted my white roses. This is the first post I could find on the blog, but given the finicky nature of my search function, who knows when it all began. Feel free to search for “white roses” in my sidebar if you are so inclined.

In any case, it’s May again. Luckily. This year for some reason the roses grew so tall, that when we got a rare rain, many fell right over. I had no choice but to bring them into the house and put them on the hearth. It became difficult to tell where flowers ended and shadows began.

Have a good weekend.

30 Responses

    1. Absolutely. I feel very romantic when I deadhead them early in the morning. Even if I’m only wearing my pajamas.

  1. They’re lovely! Only one of my rosebushes seems inclined to bloom so far this year, but at least they’re the Edens, which look spectacular.

    1. Thank you:). Edens look pretty spectacular in a Google search, that’s for sure.

  2. How glorious to have enough that you can bring them inside in such quantities with all their perfume (I’m assuming they’re fragrant. . . ) . . . There are a few buds on our container roses here, and if I can keep the aphids at bay, I’ll clip at least one fragrant bloom inside. . . .
    Happy weekend!

    1. They are fragrant, and it’s such a joy to bring them in. I am sending you good pest control vibes as we speak;).

  3. I love white roses. Don’t have any, but I do have a white lilac bush that smells absolutely Devine.

    Here’s to a weekend of wine and roses!

    1. Off the wine for a little while but the roses are making up for it! I bet your lilac is amazing.

    1. I had the same feeling. Ordinarily I’m reluctant to cut many but in this case I had to, and I so enjoyed the oversized nature of the bouquet.

  4. A gift of fragrance and delicate beauty gently tended with love. It seems a bit like a resurrection during Mother’s Day month. You are clearly a very good mother. Thank you for photographs.

    1. I can’t tell you how much it moves you that you connected these roses to Mother’s Day. Thank you so much.

  5. Yes! Love their beautiful, abundant, rather wild blooming form. So clearly unlike those orderly single-blossom-per-stem refrigerated florist roses. (Happy to have those others now and then but these are the best). Lucky you!

    1. I am lucky. I had no idea when I planted these how important they’d be to my existence!

  6. Surely all that is right with the world can be found in your lovely white roses.

    Thanks, Lisa


  7. Lovely bouquet of white roses! May is a fabulous month for blooms especially roses.
    We have a few roses budding out and others are in full bloom…rainy here today.
    I wrote a blog post on our local Butchart Gardens if you want to pop over and take the tour with me!
    Stay well.

  8. Having a vase of roses adds to any room. Growing your own roses is impressive. I have never been successful with roses. Currently I am growing tomatoes from seed. (Another first.) A friend gave me several different types of delicious tomatoes last season. He told me to remove some seeds, put them into the freezer for the winter and plant them indoors early spring. I gave it a shot and low-and-behold I have a few dozen small plants growing in my solarium. Today my new raised bed garden structures got built and filled with good soil. Tomorrow I will plant my 6-8 inch plants. Wish me luck.

    1. Wishing you all the luck. Growing tomatoes, when they flourish, can really make summer so much better. How exciting to have a solarium, and raised beds.

  9. Beautiful roses, iceberg, I think? I love the way you arranged them, all loose and wild. Great shadow and light too.

    1. Thank you! Iceberg and a David Austin rose, called Glamis Castle, I believe. It blooms kind of curled up like a peony, and never really opens. Quite beautiful and different. For the light and shadows, I can’t take any credit.

  10. No roses here, so I envy anyone with a rose bush. Your roses are so elegant and I assume fragrant. Well done!

    1. Thank you! Roses can be a real pain in the neck, what with diseases and pests, but since I only have one raised bed and one climber, I can just about manage.

  11. The absolute glory of your roses aside, this is a remarkably beautiful photograph!

    KSL (above) rightly mentions the “great shadow and light” – I would like to add the idea of “shadows” in the plural. The eerie shadow of the left-hand roses against the wall, and the shadowed tracery of leaves on the upper bricks are just magical, and amplify the whole vision. And I love the way the shadows of the stems anchor both the transparent glass vase and the leftward extension of the roses.

    But the petals on the hearth are the crowning touch (despite being at the bottom). Not just philosophically (the transiency of beauty, etc) or aesthetically (adding visual interest to that area of otherwise unadorned brick), but also spatially, in that their placement lightly replicates the mass and movement of the roses.

    I could say more, but I think I will end here with, WELL DONE YOU!

    1. Thank you so much. Such a lovely, thoughtful commentary. I very much appreciate your time and your intelligence, both. xoxox.