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Gone Hiking

A dirt road leading into a grove of trees

As it turns out, I am leaving the house very early this morning to go for a hike with some Princeton classmates. It’s part of my Meet More People Nearby project. I have one post in the works on jewelry, and another on summer dresses, but for today I give you forest and seawater from other hikes and walks in the Bay Area. I hope your local world, human and otherwise, piney or salt, treats you well today.

The SF Bay from Tiburon

Have a wonderful weekend.

12 Responses

  1. This is perfect, Lisa! So happy for you that you’re prioritizing this — friends are so important in maintaining our overall health and well-being. And moving in beautiful natural surroundings — even better!
    big hugs to you, my friend, xoxo

    1. Thank you. I know you had the same project when you left the island for the city. I think it’s not uncommon at our age, so I take heart from being in good company. Big hug back to you and what I hope are rapidly recovering toes xoxo

  2. How beautiful! Hiking with friends is one of my favorite things to do. Have fun, and enjoy your weekend! <3

  3. Wonderful. I have the same goal for when I move. Friendship is key to health and happiness. Wherever you hiked has gorgeous greens. I’m an urban person, but I do appreciate a forest bath. Happy Saturday.

    1. Forest baths are so lovely. I hope you find so many many lovely people when you move. The photos are from Tiburon, and then Wunderlich Park in Woodside. Today I drove up to Marin and took the Tennessee Valley walk. It was beautiful. I think I’ll put some photos on Instagram:)

  4. Hiking with friends in a beautiful natural setting sounds wonderful. Your photos are outstanding. Thank you for sharing.

    1. Aw, thank you! The environment does 99% of the work. I have come late to hiking but am absolutely loving it.

  5. No wonder you go hiking. What a beautiful area! I love the idea of ‘Meet More People Nearby’ It sounds like a great idea for isolate writers like me! Having friends along is a bonus.

  6. I have a first weekend of the month walk with a group I belong to that I’ve fallen out of touch with on my calendar. I’m not looking for a new BFF, just for some people I have something in common with to do something I like to do with.

    I talk to my colleagues during the day over my headphones and they’re always telling me how happy they are to be permanently remote. I really miss going to an office and seeing people. No deep and meaningful relationship is required, just a live breathing person to have superficial conversation with.

    When I got a call to take a role in this group I belong to I said yes. I need someplace to go and something to do with different people!

  7. MMPN!
    I think I need to try. Any and all ideas of how to implement our own MMPN projects in our own necks of the woods would be much appreciated. Thank you!

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