Older women. We consider time! We come to terms with our face in the mirror! We paint it! In the comments to the post about eyebrows MJ asked me for my feelings about Jones Road Miracle Balm. Have I got a review for you, boy oh boy. Because I, like many, was pursued around the Internet so long and with such tenacity that I succumbed at Christmastime and bought a seasonal sampler.
In brief, I like it. It took me a minute or so to find a good shade and figure out how to use it, but now it’s a staple.
(At more length, I want first to assure you I thought about making a video but realized I don’t have anything like an appropriate setup. I tried to take photos to illustrate what I’m talking about, but turns out I’m not set up for face closeups either. I will rely on words, for better or worse.)
As I’ve said, my goal with makeup at this point is to restore as much of the color of my youth as possible. Not the appearance of youth, I am too queasy even for injectables, and surgery is out of the question. I just want to reappear, sagging skin, wrinkles and all. It’s so funny, aging, as soon as I get used to my face it changes again. The work is to stay fond of it, which can require finding new reasons for love. New products can help, along with necessary musings on the meaning of life. No shame in aesthetics.
Here’s the use case:
- When I want some sunscreen, but don’t want look like I’ve spackled myself, i.e. want to allow some natural skin variation to show through, I continue to use the Cicapair Color Corrector, in a mini to prevent drying out. (Note: if something does dry out, I add a few drops of The Ordinary’s hyaluronic acid. This will reduce the SPF, but I almost always wear a hat anyway.)
- When I want to take the next step up in face presentation, I move up to a skin tint serum. That’s where Miracle Balm comes in. Here are the steps:
- I apply Ilia’s skin serum tint. It comes with an eyedropper. One drop on either cheek, then finger pat it (as though you were impatiently drumming on a tabletop listening to someone who annoys you) all over your face. I like this stuff very much, and found a shade that works perfectly for my skin (ST4, Formosa). The brand’s available at Sephora and Nordstrom, and worth a try.
- Add a few dots of concealer. I will say, although I’m now using the Ilia, I just don’t care for these slipper foot applicators and am considering going back to Clé de Peau, despite its cost. I don’t need much but I do want full coverage. Again, blend with finger pats but one finger will do. Don’t forget the creases ’round your nostrils, and a dot at the corners of your eyes.
- Eyebrow routine time. Glossier Boy Brow, pencil to fill in anywhere you have true gaps, “spoolie brush” (where do these terms come from) to convince the unruly to fall inline and the abundantly-gifted to share with the less fortunate.
- Ilia mascara. For this use case, i.e. not nighttime, not a party, not standing on stage with a microphone–although I haven’t done that in decades–swipe the tips only.
- Miracle Balm! (I’ll write the full description of which shade, and how I use it, below. It’s own epic narrative, if you will.
- Lip gloss from a funny unmarketed upstate New York company, Silk Naturals, whose products I adore. I use either Bitten or Birthday Suit depending on how bright I feel.
Miracle Balm Epic Review and Usage
I mean, not really an epic, but here goes. Annoyingly, the only stores where we can see this stuff are in Montclair, New Jersey, East Hampton and Greenwich Village, New York, and Palm Beach, Florida. So we guess. At Christmas, however, they offered mini-balms. I ordered Happy Hour, Miami Beach, Golden Hour and Dusty Rose. Happy Hour and Golden Hour have too much sparkle for me. Gave Golden Hour to my beautiful daughter. I guessed that Dusty Rose would be too cool-toned, and I gave it to my beautiful niece. Miami Beach it is. (Happy Hour is hiding in my guest bathroom, waiting for I know not what.)
I can’t tell you how much this doesn’t look like my admittedly stereotypical vision of Miami Beach. I stick in my finger, scoop out a half a little-fingernail-sized bit, rub it between my fingers and do that “annoyed finger-drumming.” On my cheekbones, at the top of my forehead at my hairline, along my jaw a bit, the tip of my nose, and then layered along my cheekbones some more, maybe out to the apples of my cheek, maybe up my temples. It’s highly “buildable,” as they say.
Then I wipe the leftover on a tissue as there is always a tad left over, since I haven’t done this enough to know exactly how much I need.
Here’s the thing. It feels good on. As does the Ilia tinted skin serum. I’ve never done this “use it where the sun touches you” thing, and now I get it. This brings me back to full color. It wakes me up. I believe it makes me look cheerful, and glad to be doing whatever I’m doing. It helps me feel fond of my face in the mirror. My goal.
Not To Forget Silk Naturals
This is what the lip gloss looks like IRL. (Not my photo, hence two colors I don’t use.) This stuff costs all of $4.95. Go hog wild.

And now to Costco. Older women, we buy olive oil in bulk! Have a wonderful weekend.
36 Responses
I admire the commitment, but just can’t seem to sustain it — although I completely agree with you that “the work is to stay fond of it,” and I do believe that the right products, the right application, could help with that. I’d been on the brink of booking a facial and considering adding a “skincare/makeup lesson for women of a certain You Know”. . . and then the dentist office phoned that they’ve found a two-hour spot for my implant surgery (which will require a few days, at least, of recovery) . . . after which, I have no doubt there will be more of those changes to which you refer. New wrinkles, perhaps? a change in cheek concavity or convexity? Distracting, at any rate, from the chinny chin hairs.
Your description of Miracle Balm (and those nouns, together! clever marketing) tempts me, and if there were a Canadian retailer that carried the product, I’d probably try it. So thank you for that! Meanwhile, I’ll hope that the new glasses I pick up (blue frames this time) will “bring the fondness.” ;-) (That and the age spots my granddaughter calls Nana Freckles)
I mean, teeth are so much more important than cheekbones. I was excited about this current regime, which to be clear I use only when other outside people may have to see me for more than glancing encounters, because I don’t mind it. It feels good.
Anything to distract from chin hairs is a very good thing IMO. Looking forward to seeing your new glasses!
I, too, fell for the mini-pot Christmas marketing ploy. I even popped for a LE festive party collection. So I now own Bronze, Dusty Rose, Flushed, Golden Hour, and Platinum Pink (the LE shade.)
Unfortunately, I can’t get over the smell. The first ingredient is castor oil, which is commonly used to make lipstick, as it is solid at room temperature, but liquifies when it touches the skin, allowing it to glide onto the lips. (Many people complain about the fragrance used in lipsticks, but it’s there to mask the castor oil odor. )
I also find the solid texture challenging, but I expect that will improve when my house isn’t at 66 degrees. We keep things sturdy around here!
I also bought and LOVE the Lip and Cheek Stick in Bright Pink. It’s more coral than the name implies, and it blends easily, with no odor or stickiness. I find it very wearable, and when I’m in a rush, I can swipe it on quickly. It’s perfect over my moisturizer and BB creme, and if I were the type to touch up my face during the day—and I am not—comes in a convenient tube with a magnetic top which would pop easily into my bag
They really are good marketers, aren’t they:).
Now, for whatever reason, I don’t notice the smell on these and usually I’m sensitive. I wonder why? I endorse your sturdy temperatures, and feel like a princess for keeping my thermostat at 69;)
That’s good to hear that their stick is well done. Really, that a woman of our age knows to make products wearable says so much.
I tried a few of the Jones Road products and they were ok but not much staying power and no real coverage…so what do I like? I like that my dry skin doesn’t look as dry I still feel like I need to add some fdt over the redness on my cheeks and chin if going out into the world. A friend did not like hers at all and gifted me her M. Balms and the J.Road brush…it is a good brush but not inexpensive. Maybe if I could visit a store and see what colors look like in person I would give it another try?
Yes, definitely more augmentation than coverage. Can I ask, what is fdt? Foundation, maybe? And it wouldn’t be possible to use a brush with the Miracle Balm, would it? I agree, the guessing on shade is a pain in the profile.
I ordered the one you says looks best on you. So thanks for that.
You’re welcome! I won’t be surprised if it looks great on you.
Thanks for this honest review. I love the Flushed shade of Jones Road, but I am conflicted because I cannot stand anything with shimmer. (Maybe it’s because I’m a teacher who has had one too many glitter accidents in the classroom over the years!) I do like the ease of application and the feel of it. I’ve been applying a sheer matte powder over it to tone down the shimmer. Wish they would make matte versions of these balms for us “sparkle-phobic” people!
Yes, I hope they do a few less shimmery. Sparkle is as sparkle does;) Is there a pink one that doesn’t have any yet.
Want to try it….. on a strict budget. Do not want to take the chance of not getting it right. The return policy is not generous. WHY not have it in a store so us “older poor old ladies” can make an informed, intelligent decision. Just seems like a marketing ploy and I am surprised at Bobbie’s in sensitivity.
I don’t have an explanation for why not a wider retail distribution, but maybe she just wants to keep control of her business this time. If that’s true, she wouldn’t want investors, and she’d need to operate on a direct to consumer model for a while before opening stores.
But of course I just made that up;)
Jones Road has been overly kind with exchanges & refunds for me. Talking serious multiple times to help me find my correct concealer shade. They’ve let me keep everything I’ve tried to return & refunded me as well. Even with the Miracle Balm when I didn’t like my color at first. I tried to return it, they let me keep it & now it’s my favorite & I wear it daily. It’s only made me want to shop Jones Road more. This was all in 2023.
I finally caved and bought the highlighter/miracle balm. And I never, ever buy untried stuff online. But I always loved Bobbi Brown products when she was the head of Bobbi Brown. So I trusted her and clicked the link. It was expensive, what with duty and taxes it cam in at $68.00 CAD. At first I was disappointed. I bought Happy Hour which is supposed to be just for highlighting. I didn’t like the silver flecks (too young, I thought) and I didn’t like the smell. Now I love it. So, go figure. I learned to smush a bit into the palm of my hand first to warm it up, then patted with two fingers (instead of rubbing which I have to do with my cream blush) where I wanted the highlighting, and I think it looks fab. I may spring for the blush one in a deeper colour. We’ll see.
I can totally see Happy Hour as great on you. And yes, I can’t rub this on either, only pat!
Love Miracle balm! I have 2 which I bought “pre-owned” on eBay & Poshmark because I didn’t want to pay full price for something I didn’t know if I was going to like. They both were used once and the person didn’t like it for whatever reason. They smell GREAT, gingery & spa like. I don’t understand people who complain about the smell. Anyway great for mature & dry skin. This is not meant for ppl with oily skin. They are very sellable on eBay or Poshmark if you don’t like yours or have minis from Xmas.
That’s something I’ve never tried, buying cosmetics on eBay or Postmark. It’s good to know you’re happy with the results. I do feel like Miracle Balm’s good for my skin.
Please stop using the word “epic”. It has been over killed.
So here’s the thing. In college, every graduating senior had to write a thesis. And every Comparative Literature major had to choose a) a genre b) a time period c) two languages. So I picked Epic, Renaissance, and French, Italian and Latin. (The Latin did not take LOL). I wound up writing my thesis on the catalogues in epic poetry. You know the part where Homer and Virgil and Dante make LOOOOOONNNNGGGG lists of the soldiers and the devils etc?
Couldn’t have been more nerdy. I absolutely loved thinking about it. And as a result, when I think epic, I think a long story in some kind of verse, not a rock star parody. Forgive me! Epics, I cannot quit you!
Brava Lisa! You are one of the few who understand what epic really means and use it in the correct way! Love that
Aw, thanks!
I love the Ilia products and have found them skin game changers. The mascara is excellent. I’m also a fourth generation Miamian and laughed at whatever impression you have of Miami Beach.
Ilia is great! And their lips balms! So much matte pigment. My favorite non-shiny ones. (At least I knew enough to keep my impression secret AND disclaim it;))
Thank you for the review on the Miracle Balm, plus all the other products. (Nearly 30 years ago Bobbi Brown actually supervised her person applying makeup to me at a Bloomingdale’s promotion when I lived in NY, and then added some touches herself and talked to me about the importance of eyebrows, so I’m a sucker for her products). I too bought Miami Beach, and I actually like the smell. I will try your application technique – my smear it on approach sometimes leaves me with it getting in my hairline. I also like using it on my lips – lately lipstick or gloss seems like overkill, and the MB just adds a little tint.
MJ that is so exciting. What an amazing celebrity encounter, where they actually give you something! And that Bloomingdale’s, on 57th street was it? With the black and white diamond floor? Tapping recommended. And if I had one of the darker shades I’d definitely put it on my lips.
59th & Lex. Tap-dancing is optional but highly recommended.
Ha! Yes:)
I don’t use Miracle Balm because I was afraid it would break out my oily skin even at 64, but I did buy Jones Road “What the Foundation” and love it!
The coverage is just enough, adds color, but evens out my skin tone and adds moisture but not too much.
I reviewed both products and am happy that I chose this one. I think Miracle Balm would have been great if not for my oily skin.
Thanks for the foundation vote:)
Miracle Balm and most of the other cleverly marketed Jones Road products have successfully made me more “fond” of my face… not younger, but somehow brighter, with subtle definition, and definitely moisturized. I’m grateful.
Bobbi Brown is the only person in makeup, as far as I can tell, who understands what a lot of women over 55 want. We don’t all want to be Iris Apfel, but neither do we want to fade away per se.
I have the almost nothing color of MB. I didn’t like it, it was too stiff, until I watched a video where they used a brush to apply. I like the smell which is a little strong as in other people asking me about my fragrance ( they said they liked it).
What I like equally well, although it doesn’t smell as good, is an $8 balm product, likely a Jones Road knockoff, by Bert’s Bees which comes in a smaller quantity. It also substitutes for a lip gloss.
When you’re faced with the teeth vs make-up phase of life spending it’s good to know your options.
You always make me laugh. Teeth matter! No need to spend $ for the sake of spending! And I can’t imagine how to use a brush with this! My imagination is limited.
at the start, i want to say that i’m glad this works for you! simple makeup is my wheelhouse.
i wanted to like this product. got generous samples at the greenwich village shop in february.
“magic hour” turned my face bright red within minutes — luckily, i was in the hotel room + could quickly wash my face before much damage was done.
also, can’t get over the minty smell, which she seems to add to everything.
the search continues.
Wow, you must be allergic to one of the ingredients? Interesting you find the smell minty. Others have said castor oil. Someone else said what, amber maybe? Anyway, I don’t register any smell in particular. Maybe it’s cilantro and we all have different responses. Glad you were close to your hotel.