Category: Culture of Origin

5 Things To Watch Out For In High WASPism

What To Watch Out For With Those Tricky High WASPs 1. Colonialism. Exploiting other creatures, i.e. using their capacity without fair recompense, is never good

High WASP Code of Conduct Redux

east side bride added “A firm handshake” to the High WASP code of conduct. Yes. I think our handshakes get so firm in part because

The High WASP Code of Conduct

High WASPs may or may not be religious. They may or may not have attended an Ivy League college. They may or may not live

High WASP Style – IMO

I think I should give a few more examples of what High WASP style is. And is not. Because it’s a dying breed you know.

I Went to Target

OK. So I went to Target to see if my little collage actually existed. One can’t actually cut and paste, or browse and clip, a

High WASPs and Preppies

Another thing I do on the Internet to ignore the DP (death problem) is to look at things other bloggers post. They are pretty good

Valentine’s Day

Here is an interesting if fairly useless fact. High WASPs make their own valentines. They start with one of these. Then add this