Month: September 2009

Your Blog Is Fabulous

Wonderful Maureen at IslandRoar gave me this award. Thank you Maureen. Thank you also for writing so likeably about Martha’s Vineyard, your teenagers, and the

Saturday Morning at 6:38am

Luckily for us moms there are now many socially sanctioned ways to spy on our adult and almost-adult children. At least to spy in their

Flying The Flag

On the coast of Northern California On 9/11 I think about those who lost someone they loved. And those who had to witness or experience

Saturday Morning At 9:42am

Took the boychild to the airport this morning. Think it’s time to start calling him young man. So sweet. Just love the way he looks

Rapture. Finding Lunch On I5.

I5 is a long and ugly road. Takes you past tumbleweeds and dusty orchards and feedlots full of hot, sluggish cattle waiting to be processed.