Year: 2009

The Grande Dame Style Archetype

You know her. You do. If only by her strands of pearls. If only by the look on her face. Who knows what she really

Style, Or, Alternatively, The Roman Empire.

“Style is the image of character.” Edward Gibbon via the impossible cool. Go look at these iconic photos of cool famous people. If you’re wondering

What Is The Point Of Style?

The Sartorialist, September 2009 There’s that moment when you stop what you are doing, and think, “Wait. What’s the point?” When you need a corner

Saturday Morning at 7:47am

Last week there was a thunderstorm in Princeton late at night. My son IM’d me about it. Son: mom there’s an amazing thunderstorm here.Me: cool

Saturday Morning at 9:24am

Sometimes the other people who have cute children put videos of said children up on YouTube. I imagine this will be all over the world