Category: Uncategorized


Object Of Desire: Even Tomboys Get Cold Necks

Scarves are popular. And well-documented, by Mai Tai, Deja Pseu, and the Hostess, among others. In silk, a hallmark of the Grande Dame. Fringed, purview


Clearing The Ways, And Letting Them Hide

  In fashion, I err on the side of repression. I wear less color and flash than my personality might support. High WASPs are like

LPC Is At Corporette Today

Never rains but it pours, with guest posting. Today I’m over at Corporette talking about retirement planning. And it’s not the sort you might expect.

Saturday Morning at 8:17am

Thinking this morning about Malaysian Airlines Flight MH370. I suppose there’s still a very slight chance of survivors, but my thoughts go out to all