Culture of Origin

Do You Embrace Your Heritage Style?

I might have titled this post, As Preppy As I’m Ever Going To Get. We’ve all got some sort of heritage style. Maybe your Grandma

Interesting brands

Some Days Clothes Are Just Clothes

Some days a girl goes all semiotic, and some days she just likes her cute clothes. Eric Bompard scarf under a 10-year old Gryphon cropped

Culture of Origin

Remembrance Day

Today Veteran’s Day is recognized in America. Yesterday was Remembrance Day in all the Commonwealth countries. My father’s father and older brother both died in


Election Day

Here in the United States, today is Election Day. I kluged together an art project to honor the one opinion we probably all share. The


Why I Don’t Like Kate Middleton, Much

As I have said, I don’t much care for Kate Middleton. Now, to be precise, I don’t know the woman. Here’s what I mean. I


Flowers Refusing To Get In The House

(If anyone’s wondering why on earth I am posting twice in one day, chalk it up to wanting to hang out with online friends. Or