The Highland Fashionista Goes Gray

The Highland Fashionista, a very amusing American blogger  living in Scotland, has finished her transition to gray hair. Looks pretty smashing with some pink lipstick.


Building Attractive: Let’s Talk Hair

I got a haircut recently. I love my hair guy. And at last, in Building Attractive, we enter the realms of relative frivolity. My friends,

Evolving The Warm Weather Work Uniform

Anyone else stalking the retail jungle for a warm weather uniform? I’ve been yanking cashmere v-necks up over my head, rapidly, a lot of late.

Fierce at 50

Building Attractive, With Helpful Intent

In comments on my post about attractive vs. pretty, several readers asked for a series about Building Attractive. Here goes, with the caveat that this

The Great Sneaker Controversy

Apropos Sue’s post on Sneaking Around Paris, you might also want to read Les Anti-Modernes today on youthful sneakers. Just a thought. Old dogs, new