Year: 2009

Cozies Redeemed. Barely.

I have trouble with cozies, crocheted and knitted covers for things that have no need of warmth. I saw this here. I felt my blood

Saturday Morning at 11:10am

It’s Easter tomorrow. As an atheist, my relationship to Easter is governed by the memories I have of my young children, baskets in hand. And

Food Continued

For my generation there is no longer any such thing as High WASP food per se. The dispersion of the original New England, New York,

High WASPs And Food, Continued

In the my mother’s generation, servants became widely impossible except for the super-rich. And High WASPs were no longer exclusively super-rich, nor were the super-rich

High WASPs And Food

In the olden days High WASPs had servants. My mother’s family’s cook was named Willie Mae. She was from the South. As a result, at

Very Solicitous Robots

Robots keep calling me on the phone. They are such nice young robots. Worried about my financial well-being. In this economy, as they point out,

Laid Off Laid On

Looks as though my misplaced job has found a little piece of itself. Part time. For now. Time to muster up the discipline not to

Fierce at 50 #1

I’m just not ready to pack it up and go to Dowdyland. That’s the net. Which has led to such crimes as wearing my son’s

Saturday Morning at 10:03am

I almost wish my kids were down the hall, sleeping. That I had bought some ham and tortillas and potatoes and salsa and eggs to


As I have said, I don’t read blogs to find anything out in particular. I read for the experience of new things. I look for

High WASP Wedding – Cape Cod

Because there’s only so much analysis that’s worth doing. Images from upper left: areohome, via Mighty Haus, Inspirations & Creations, Bride’s Guide,, Snippet &