My Sister’s New Clothes
My sister, aside from being one of my best friends in the whole world and completely adorable, is exceedingly well-educated. She has a BA from
My sister, aside from being one of my best friends in the whole world and completely adorable, is exceedingly well-educated. She has a BA from
Today I have watched an astonishing number of war movies on television in honor of Memorial Day. Men shooting at each other, at buildings, at
When I was little I would creep into my father’s study and read the Encyclopedia Brittanica. In those days, a set consisted of something like
Breakfast is safe from any desire I have to live an adventurous life. I eat and drink the same things most mornings. Cup of English
Good thing? Bad thing? Good theory, bad execution? Horrible application of one culture’s comfort fashion to another’s religious observance? Cheering sign of continued social convergences
I’ve been asked did I pass my High WASP core down to my children. Complex question. I have been wondering that myself, since this blog
It’s Sunday. Temperatures are predicted to reach 90 degrees. The siblings, those of us in Northern California, are going to Dad’s house for lunch. Where
I have trouble with cozies, crocheted and knitted covers for things that have no need of warmth. I saw this here. I felt my blood
It’s Easter tomorrow. As an atheist, my relationship to Easter is governed by the memories I have of my young children, baskets in hand. And
I almost wish my kids were down the hall, sleeping. That I had bought some ham and tortillas and potatoes and salsa and eggs to
They are at it yet again. Cozies. On everything. First it was rocks. They tried to trick us and called it crochet. But I knew.
The inheritance is a key component of the High WASP species. That’s how we develop the attitude and the taste. Growing up in privilege means
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