Category: Motherhood

Saturday Morning at 7:47am

Last week there was a thunderstorm in Princeton late at night. My son IM’d me about it. Son: mom there’s an amazing thunderstorm here.Me: cool

Saturday Morning at 8:17am

Sometimes other people have cute grandchildren. These belong to smiles4u2 at My Life Interrupted. She and her husband are raising the the littler girl and

Saturday Morning at 6:38am

Luckily for us moms there are now many socially sanctioned ways to spy on our adult and almost-adult children. At least to spy in their

Saturday Morning At 9:42am

Took the boychild to the airport this morning. Think it’s time to start calling him young man. So sweet. Just love the way he looks

Saturday Morning at 7:47am

This summer I have spent a lot of time with the boy child. He’s not in Hawaii, or Costa Rica, or Australia. I am not

Saturday Morning At 8:58am

Being a mom is such a funny job. One minute you feel love as strong as life. The next minute you are annoyed that yet

Saturday Morning At 7:02am

All day meeting yesterday for my job that plays peekaboo. Mostly boo at this point. Another meeting today. I’m stiff from sitting for hours. Listening

Saturday Morning At 7:22am

Ah. Saturday. Tea. Toast. Morning. It’s also the 4th of July. A holiday which if we’re lucky involves fireworks, lakes, oceans, charred food, cold drinks,

Saturday Morning At 6:17am

My daughter has finished her first week at the new job. She called me every day on the way home from work. I love to