Category: Uncategorized

The Highland Fashionista Goes Gray

The Highland Fashionista, a very amusing American blogger  living in Scotland, has finished her transition to gray hair. Looks pretty smashing with some pink lipstick.

The Great Sneaker Controversy

Apropos Sue’s post on Sneaking Around Paris, you might also want to read Les Anti-Modernes today on youthful sneakers. Just a thought. Old dogs, new

Respite, Or, Saturday Morning at 8:18am

Everybody breathe. Many of us have a three-day weekend here in the USA. Everyone who celebrates Christmas has finally, finally, dug out of the holiday

And The Winner Is…

Danielle, congratulations! Random.Org chose you as the winner of Tommy Hilfiger’s very generous giveaway. To everyone who entered, thank you, thank you, thank you. I

Louis Vuitton Around The ‘Sphere

Two of my favorite bloggers wrote about Louis Vuitton just recently. First, we have the INIMITABLE Maximinimus, on about LV trunks. And yes, I did


I need to add to my earlier post. Let me hasten to add, it’s nothing specific you all have said, just a set of feeling


Giveaway Winner

I made a list in Google Docs, as one does. Had I drawn someone with a question mark I would have emailed them prior to