Category: Uncategorized

LPC is At "Live Bold & Bloom" Today

Today I am at Live Bold & Bloom, writing about, How To Live Boldly When You Are Scared As Heck. Something I may understand, for

We Have A Winner! (Omelette Pan Edition)

As usual, your comments were wonderful. Omelette memories appear, for the most part, to be fond ones. Whether made on honeymoon for Barbara: for a

Memorial Day In The United States

“As Americans commemorate Memorial Day, the culture has come a long way in celebrating the warriors, whatever one thinks of the war.” Human societies, despite


Back. Uneventful flights, except for the spillage of warm nuts in my lap on the Chicago – San Francisco leg. More words and some pictures


And I went to the airport, and my flight was canceled, and I got a new flight for tomorrow that avoids the UK, and I

How Sturdy Gals Do Cool In New York

I’m off to New York tomorrow. So excited. I spent much of my 20s in Manhattan. I always love going back. But it feels a