Year: 2011

In Which Privilege Reports To The Board

Time for the Privilege Annual Report to the Board. Old corporate habits die hard. Although I seem to have retired from software, or at least

LPC Is At A Femme d’un Certain Age Today

Please join me this morning at Tish’s blog, A Femme d’un Certain Age. She asked several of us to write about sleepwear, loungewear, and seductionwear,

Literature & the Arts

Discovering Artists: Brigitte Carnochan

As I have done before, here, and here, today I’d like to introduce you to an artist. The photo above, and the two below, are


A Purple, Gold And Blush Wedding

I’ve been helping my brother and sister-in-law design their wedding. They thank me occasionally, but all I can think, is, they are letting me do


With Freedom And Prosperity For All

Capitol Hill, crookedly seen from the Mall. No metaphor intended. The first thing we did in Washington, D.C. was fuel up on Starbucks. Then hop